My Curriculum
Take a look at what I've learned, what I know, and what I'm studying. I am currently focused on C# .NET applications.
Every day, I spend a couple hours reviewing each course. I also like to apply what I learn and work on projects.
Enjoy the flower images from my mother's garden. :)
Object Oriented Programming with C# - Beginner to Advanced
​Status: Current and Daily Review
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Practices
Better and Cleaner Code
Fields & Properties
Constructors, Constructors Chaining, Automated Constructors
The .this and .base keywords
The 5 Access Modifiers
Concept behind the 4 Pillars of Object Oriented Programming
Inheritance, Base and Derived Classes
Abstraction, Abstract Classes and Interfaces
Cohesion & Coupling
Quality Code Tips and Guidelines
C# Basics for Beginners: Learn C# Fundamentals by Coding
Status: Completed 7/5/2022​
Fundamentals of C# and .NET Framework
Primitive types and expressions
Non-primitive types (classes, structs, arrays and enums)
Value types and reference types
Conditional statements
Arrays and lists
Files and directories
Date and time
Debug C# applications effectively
The Git & Github Bootcamp
​Status: Current
How Git works behind the scenes
Trees, blobs, commits, and annotated tags
Git workflow: adding & committing
Git branches
Git merges and resolve merge conflicts
Git diff to reveal changes over time
Git stashing
Git restore, git revert, and git reset
Local and remote repositories
Collaboration workflows: pull requests, "fork & clone", etc.
Squash, clean up, and rewrite history using interactive rebase
Retrieve "lost" work using git reflogs
Custom and powerful Git aliases
Mark releases and versions using Git tags
Host static websites using Github Pages
Create markdown READMEs
Learn to build an e-commerce store with .Net, React & Redux
​Status: Current
Setting up the developer environment
Creating a .Net WebAPI application using the dotnet CLI
Creating a client side front-end React single page application for the stores user interface
Using Entity Framework to write code that queries and updates the database
Using ASP.NET Identity for login and registration
Using React Router to navigate between routes on the client
Using Automapper
Building a great looking UI using Material Design
Making reusable form components using React hook form
Paging, Sorting, Searching and Filtering
Creating orders from the shopping basket
Accepting payments via Stripe using the new EU standards for 3D secure
Publishing the application to Heroku
Complete React Developer in 2022 (w/ Redux, Hooks, GraphQL)
​Status: Current
Enterprise level React applications and deploy to production
Reactive, performant, large scale applications
Hooks, Context API, Suspense, React Lazy
Redux, Redux Thunk and Redux Saga
Authentication and user accounts
Good architecture decisions
React Design Patterns
CSS in JS with styled-components
React Router
Converting apps to Progressive Web Apps
Test with Jest, Enzyme and snapshot testing
Stripe API
Using the latest ES6/ES7/ES8/ES9/ES10/ES11 JavaScript to write clean code
C# Console and Windows Forms Development w/ Entity Framework
​Status: Current, 78% Completed
Create and run Console Applications
Create and run Windows Forms Applications
Basic C# Syntax - blocks of code, curly braces, comments
String interpolation, concatenation and general manipulation
Variables and Objects
C# operators for math and logic tasks
Windows Forms Visual Elements and Controls
Different data types
Methods and their return types
Windows Forms and how to manipulate them (Open, Close, Hide, etc)
Pass data between forms
Connect Windows Forms applications to a database
Write LINQ queries.
Entity Framework